Gone With The Wind
We Buy, Sell, and help you Find:
Jewelry, Gold&Silver Coins, Clocks, Furniture, Lighting, Porcelain, Art Glass, Paintings, Lithographs, Posters, Books, Bronze, Pottery, Sculpture, Architectural elements, Petroleana & Advertising signs, other Antique & Vintage items
We provide Consulting, Appraisal and Restoration services.
Please send all inquiries to:
About US: We are dealers,collectors and finders of many kinds of antiques, vintage artifacts and objects of vertu. Using our unique search system and large network of international antiquarians we can locate and inspect your item, bid on your behalf and help with shipping arrangements around the world.
About US: We are dealers,collectors and finders of many kinds of antiques, vintage artifacts and objects of vertu. Using our unique search system and large network of international antiquarians we can locate and inspect your item, bid on your behalf and help with shipping arrangements around the world.
We provide consulting,appraisal and restoration services.
Location: SF bay area USA. Our gallery is open by appointment only.
Below are some of the objects and items that we helped to find and purchase for our clients :