Gone With The Wind
We Buy, Sell, and help you Find:
Jewelry, Gold&Silver Coins, Clocks, Furniture, Lighting, Porcelain, Art Glass, Paintings, Lithographs, Posters, Books, Bronze, Pottery, Sculpture, Architectural elements, Petroleana & Advertising signs, other Antique & Vintage items
We provide Consulting, Appraisal and Restoration services.
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Our unique collection of American "gone with the wind" lamps took many years to form. It is now for sale and currently awaiting new owner. It will only be sold as a whole collection of 120 outstanding,extra rare, American GWTW lamps. Most of the lamps in our collection are impossible to find for sale anywhere.
Our unique collection of American "gone with the wind" lamps took many years to form. It is now for sale and currently awaiting new owner. It will only be sold as a whole collection of 120 outstanding,extra rare, American GWTW lamps. Most of the lamps in our collection are impossible to find for sale anywhere.
If you are interested in purchasing this one of a kind, treasure collection, you are welcome to contact us.
Qualified buyers will be invited to view and inspect the collection in person. We can also provide high resolution photos of each lamp in the collection with detailed description, condition report, and provenance.